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Tips to Determine Your Hair Type at Home

Tips to Determine Your Hair Type at Home

Hair is the statement of style, an affirmation of the beauty and an expression of self-love. It’s the core responsibility to preserve this natural beauty gifted by the Almighty. A small mistake can make you repent of the lifetime. To keep this elegance long-lasting one must be careful while choosing the hair care products.

You must know your hair type so that you can choose the right products for your hair according to your hair type and quality. There are multiple criteria that can be taken into consideration while analyzing your hair type.

Tips to Determine Hair Type

Determine the Hair Density

To Figure out the density stand in front of the mirror. Partition your hair in the middle. Focus the root strands that cover your scalp. Based on the area of skin that is seen, the density can be categorized as:

High Density – If no portion is seen around the partition that means the density is highly thick.

Moderate Density – If some of the scalp areas can be seen then your density is medium.

Low Density– If the large part of the scalp is clearly visible when you have thin density.

Sometimes there is a variation in the density. To find most appropriate result do this test by holding the chunk of hair from different spots. You can take help of any other person, click a snap and then have a look.

Determine the Porosity of Hair

Wash your hair properly using the shampoo and conditioner you generally use. Rinse well and pat them to dry partially using the towel.

High Porosity If your hair is wet and sticky that means the porosity is great, as it retains a large amount of moisture.

Moderately Porosity – If hair is a little bit wet but nonsticky then it retains a medium level of moisture and is having medium porosity.

Low Porosity – If the hair is mostly dry that means it has not retained any moisture and your hair’s Porosity is very low.

Floating Test for Checking Porosity – Another way to check the porosity is floating test. Get out the strand of your hair and let it float in an open utensil.

In Low Porosity case, the strand does not sink.

If there is Medium Porosity the strand will sink after some time.

If the strands rapidly get placed at the bottom then your hair’s has High Porosity.

The porosity may vary according to weather conditions. Hence you can repeat this test in different weather.

Determine Oiliness of Your Scalp

Shampoo your hair properly and pat them to dry. Leave them for the whole night. In the morning gently press a tissue on your scalp and on the head area behind your ears.

Oily – If oil patches come on the tissue then you are having oily hair.

Dry – In case the tissue remains as it is without any stickiness then you have dry hair.

Normal – If little oil trace comes on the tissue then oiliness of your hair is normal.

Mixed Hair – Trying at different spots if oil comes from one point and no oiliness from another spot. Then the type you are having is a combinational i.e. mixture of both oily and dry hair.

Check for Elasticity – Pull a strand of your hair. Hold its both ends and let it stretch gently. Elongate it slowly. Observe carefully and check the elasticity level.

High Elasticity – If the strand gets enlarge 50% of its original length then the elasticity level is very high and hair strength is extremely strong.

Moderately Elasticity – If it stretches to a little extent before breaking then the elastic level is medium.

Lowly Elasticity If the strands get break immediately then elongated the type is least strong and your hairs have very low elasticity.

After understanding different qualities of your hair including density, porosity, oiliness, and elasticity it becomes easy to choose the right hair care products that are best suited for your hair.

These tips are presented by Celebre Aesthetics, which is known as the best hair clinic in Surat, Gujarat. At Celebre Aesthetics you will get the best hair treatment in Surat at very affordable cost.