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Hair Transplant – The Effective And Safe Solution

Have you noticed your hairline thinning recently? Or are there bald patches on your head where there were once luscious locks? Are you looking for a solution to restore your hair? Well, you are in the right place. In this blog, Dr Siddharth Sakhiya a Gold medalist from Gujarat University discusses the details of hair transplant treatment, the recovery time, the risks involved and the cost of hair transplant. It will help you in understanding whether this course of action is right for you and whether you are ready for it.

Dr Sakhiya is an expert in plastic surgery and has in-depth knowledge about hair transplant procedures. He has a decade of experience handling the most challenging cases in Surat. He has also honed his skills in this field by learning at the hands of some of the best surgeons in Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Jaipur.

What Is a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant surgeries date back to the 1950s. Surgeons across the world have been working on improving and perfecting these techniques. Of course, the hair transplant surgeries performed today are very different from back then, and the results are also far more superior.
Hair transplant is a surgery performed to treat baldness. The procedure involves removing healthy hair follicles from one area of the body (known as the donor area) and planting them in the area where there is no hair (known as the recipient area). The hair follicles used for the purpose of removal and grafting are called “follicular units”. The surgeon performing this procedure needs to be highly skilled since the follicular units are fragile and delicate to handle. In general, the best hair transplant in India is a minimally invasive surgery. Take a look at some Busting Myths About Hair Transplant

What Are The Types Of Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant surgery can be divided into two types based on the technique that is used to accomplish the process.

1.Follicular Unit Transplantation In Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT the doctor selects the donor area near the back of the scalp or the sides of the head. A linear strip is harvested from the center of the permanent zone on the back of the head. The strip is dissected into smaller units known as grafts. These grafts are implanted on the head where there is no hair. There will be a thin linear scar on the back of the head which will be covered by the remaining hair. 

2.Follicular Unit Extraction Unlike FUT, where a continuous strip is taken from the center of the donor area, FUE involves harvesting individual hair follicles from the entire donor area. FUE shows no visible scarring. At Celebre Aesthetics, we offer FUE and FUT and customize or combine the procedures depending upon your hair, skin, your hairstyle and your expectations. When you hear the term hair transplant, you picture receding hairline in your mind. But as science has advanced so much in the past few years, it is now possible to even carry out facial features also. Know more on facial factors for hair transplant

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For Hair Transplant?

Any adult (male or female) who is suffering from alopecia (baldness) and is medically fit for surgery is eligible for hair transplant surgery.

How To Choose The Right Doctor For Hair Transplant?

First of all, the qualifications of the doctor should include an M.Ch/DNB in Plastic Surgery. Experience is another factor that must be taken into consideration when choosing a doctor. Check what technology, surgical set-up is available with the doctor and how well equipped his clinic is. If the doctor is using the latest technology then probably the results will be better and natural-looking. Review the testimonials of past patients. Most patients post their reviews on social media pages or Google or even the website of the doctor. Go through them to understand the quality of his/her work and what the ultimate results look like. The hair transplant cost in India could also play a major role in choosing the right doctor for you. Depending on the amount of money you are ready to spend, choose a surgeon who falls in your budget range. A vital element that is often not listed, is your personal equation with the doctor. It is very important that you feel comfortable with the surgeon and trust his judgement and course of action.  This comfort level is intangible and cannot be measured, but it does affect your choice and your ultimate happiness.

What To Ask The Doctor During Your Consultation?

Getting a hair transplant is a big decision since it directly affects the way you look and more specifically your face. A consultation with your doctor before you decide on the type of surgery, the date and time etc. is necessary.

You can sit down with the doctor and discuss your expectations from the surgery. This can help you in visualizing yourself and also suggest any changes that you believe might be more suitable for you. You should also have an honest conversation with your doctor about hair transplant side effects and the risks involved. If you have any doubts regarding the surgery, the post-operative care and the timeline for the results, please talk to your doctor freely and get the answers you need well in advance.

What Happens Before The Surgery?

Sometimes doctors give medication before the surgery to maintain your current hair growth and keep the donor area healthy. Apart from this, no other medication is administered before the surgery, nor does the patient have to take any extra precautions.

What Happens During The Surgery?

Make sure you reach the surgical clinic well before the actual time of the surgery. Wear loose-fitting clothes (ensure that none of the clothes need to be pulled over the head).

The patient is given local anaesthesia for the surgery. It is advised by the Doctor to shampoo your hair on the day of the procedure. The shampoo and the solution are provided by the Doctor in Celebre Aesthetics. After that, the surgeon will execute the hair transplant either through FUT method or FUE method. Hair Transplant is a combination of art and science. Natural and best results are possible by designing the following perfectly: Hairline Direction of hair Density Distribution of hair in different areas

What Is The Recovery Time For Hair Transplant Surgery?

A hair transplant surgery can take up to 8 hours or multiple sessions of smaller time periods, depending on how much area to be covered and how many grafts to be implanted.

The doctor will prescribe medicines post-surgery to alleviate the pain. You will also need to take some medicines to keep the swelling down and to reduce chances of infection. Hair transplant surgeons ask their patients to cover their head for several weeks after the surgery. Even a little disturbance to the scalp could adversely affect the growth of the hair follicles in the grafted area. The stitches remain absorbable so there is no need for the patient to come to the clinic to remove them. Until then, you must be extra careful and cautious so as to not disturb the scalp. Patients go back to work within a couple of days after the surgery. They are able to resume their daily routine without any major hindrances or precautions.

When Do Patients Start Seeing Actual Results?

It takes time for hair transplant to actually start showing results. The reason being that the follicular units have been removed from their natural area of birth and planted in a new unfamiliar territory. It is similar to removing a sapling from a pot and replanting it in a new one. It will obviously take some time for the hair follicles to get used to the new environment and start growing again.

Be patient with yourself and do not expect immediate results. It takes a minimum of 6 months for the results to appear and about 1 year to show complete results. Until then you should focus on taking your prescribed medicines (for hair growth) regularly and wait. Slowly, you will start seeing the changes and a proper hairline will begin to materialize. You may go through a phase of “shock loss”. This is the phase when you will witness a high amount of hair loss. A lot of patients start believing during this time that their surgery was unsuccessful. But the truth is shock loss is as natural as hair loss. It is a part of the cycle. Once you go through shock loss, then the hair follicles will be completely settled in the harvested area and will grow back new hair automatically.

What Are The Risks Of Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant like every other surgical procedure has certain risks associated with it. Following are the risks:

1. Swelling in the operated area (rarely on the face) is possible after the surgery. 2. Since the surgery involves creating a hairline on your head, there may be slight bruising near the forehead, sides of the scalp and near the eyes. 3. The treatment area might stay numb after the hair transplant surgery. 4. There is a slight risk that the patient’s scalp may bleed after the surgery. 5. During the hair growth phase, hair follicles might catch an infection called folliculitis, where application of antiseptic cream will be advised. 6. The end result may not be the way you wanted it to be in terms of density of hair and coverage of the scalp because of less number of hair available in the donor area or very large recipient area in advanced cases of baldness. Sometimes the patient’s hair looks unnatural and they become unhappy with the surgery. 7. Not all the hair follicles planted will accept the new area and regrow. Some of the hair follicles simply die out after the surgery. 8. The hair transplant results may not be permanent. In some cases, patients have had to get a second hair transplant surgery 5-10 years after the first one. From the above list, it is quite clear that the risks of hair transplant in Surat are not very high. Most of these can be avoided or treated immediately.

What Is The Cost Of Hair Transplant In India?

The hair transplant in India costs depends on how many grafts you require and what is the level of your baldness.

Does Medical Insurance Cover Hair Transplants?

Hair transplants fall under cosmetic procedures and are therefore not covered under medical insurance policies.


Hair transplants are no longer “too expensive”. It is an affordable, safe and minimally invasive surgery with good results. Baldness not only affects the shape of the face or the looks but also the confidence of a person. Hair loss and thinning of the hairline is frustrating especially if it happens in your 20s or 30s. It takes away the youthful charm a person possesses.

In such a scenario hair transplant is more than a surgery. It is a chance at restoring your original good looks and the confidence that comes with having a head full of hair.  We may not admit it but our looks deeply affect our physical and mental well being.

We hope this blog from Dr Siddharth Sakhiya has given you insights into the hair transplant process which will help you make the right decision.